Thursday, July 28, 2016

Recent purchases

On Sunday we were in need of a little family time, but it was far too hot to be outside, so we headed to the mall. I wanted to shop around the Nordstrom Anniversary sale, so we made our way there first. I wasn't looking for anything in particular but wanted a little refresh for my wardrobe. Unfortunately I didn't find anything for myself clothing wise- I was trying not to spend too much time looking so M didn't get impatient. M was totally fine but I suffer from first time mom worry ;)

Anyway I did end up finding a cute pair of shoes (not part of the sale of course!) I can't wait to pair these with boyfriend jeans and a tee this fall! They come in several colors, including a blush but I saw the Hunter green and couldn't help myself!

I had bought Oliver these Smartcare Shirts for our wedding day and he has loved them ever since. They are SO easy to care for, hence the name, and they also have a great fit. I really love the white one because it has a subtle herringbone pattern that gives it some texture. I also love the plaid - you can't really go wrong with that!

The last thing I have yet to purchase, but really think I need, is this bag. I love it in black and then I saw the red... It is a little edgier than I would normally go for, but I think that's why I love it!

What are your thoughts? Yay or Nay?

Monday, July 25, 2016

#nsale for the little ones

The Nordstrom anniversary sale upon us, they have some pretty fabulous things for the whole family. I spotted a few things for myself but realistically I spend most of my time shopping for M. Here are a few things we have and LOVE. 

I have a chew beads necklace and absolutely love it! It is so cute and M loves soothing her gums by chomping on it! :)

I bought M the cutest Babiators. They are adorable and super durable, they also come with a lifetime warranty! 
The Beaba food processor is absolutely amazing! I make all of Maggie's food with this and it has been such a good purchase. Stay tuned for some of my baby food recipes on the blog soon :)
This skip hop play may is awesome! We started using it very early on for tummy time and it has continued to be a staple toy for M. I love that you can change around the toys to keep it exciting and fun!

Friday, July 22, 2016

Summer reading list

My love for a good summer read stems from my childhood. I remember getting that reading list on the last day of school, color coding it (my need for organizing runs deep!), and heading for the library raring to go.

In my teens I lost touch with how much I enjoyed a good book, distracted by the usual demands for a teenage girls attention (glad this phase with M is still a few years away!). However, I have since rekindled my lost passion, and hope to pass that along to M. After dinner Oliver and I make a conscious effort to turn off the TV and phones and read, with a cocktail in hand of course! :)

Here are the books on my list this summer!

 Oh and how could I forget this one... 

We started reading it to M before bed at Oliver's request. It is one of his favorite childhood books, and he couldn't wait to start sharing it with Maggie! This little family of mine makes my heart so full! 

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Summertime cocktail

After our trip to the UK I rediscovered my love for a Pimms cocktail, and have been making them more regularly ever since. Here is my recipe for the perfect summer cocktail-

Pimms Cocktail:
2 oz of Pimms
Garnish with fresh mint, strawberries, cucumber, lemon, lime.

Here's a snap from our trip- this was taken while visiting Oliver's family home in the South coast of England, which is hands down my favorite place when we are back.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Beacon Hill's best salon

I have said it before, but I have a girl crush on my hair stylist Marina. She has always found a way to give me the perfect balance of edginess and practicality that perfectly suits my lifestyle! After working in some fabulous Boston salons she went out on her own and did in home styling alongside on-location events, which is where I met her.

Most recently she opened up a salon of her very own, and I couldn't be more proud of her! Although I do miss the convenience of having her come to my home, the luxury of her new space is truly worth the experience. Oliver & I headed to Zena Rose for his usual cut and beard trim and my color yesterday.

A quick before & after

Here are some of the photos of the salon snapped by the fabulous Chelsea Kyle- seriously check out her site she is incredible!!

Could you picture a more fabulous place to relax and unwind? And that wallpaper- when she showed it to me I literally drooled, it is even more stunning in person! 

If Marina's taste in decor hasn't sold you check out some of her work on her website, I assure you it will blow you away! You can also join Club ZR - a club membership which gets you lots of perks along with her fabulous services.

The only reason I considered writing this post was because I have my next few appointments booked already- selfish I know but a girl can only share her hair secrets once she's fully taken care of herself! Walk- don't run over to Zena Rose to book your first of many appointments with Marina!

 Make sure to follow along @zrboston on Instagram

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Traveling with little ones

Our first family trip was to DC when M was 10 weeks old. She did so well on the flight and was a total angel despite the chaos of travel. We thought we nailed it and were super proud of ourselves. So when we booked our flights to London I was feeling pretty confident we would have smooth sailing. In my mind she was going to nurse for takeoff, sleep the whole flight in her bassinet and wake up on London time. While the flying part was easy it wasn't quite that easy...

We quickly learned we just got super lucky the first time, and traveling with a baby to another country will put even the most laid back of personalities into overdrive. Also if you're type A++ like me- then it might just send you over the edge! 

With a little perspective... and wine... I realized it could have been worse, but we definitely learned some lessons for next time.

We certainly over packed when it came to clothing for M, we ended up doing laundry almost daily so we could have done with half of what we brought there. Things I didn't think of was Dreft- we couldn't find it anywhere so we ended up using an alternative. Luckily M doesn't have any skin sensitivities so it was fine, but if your baby does it might be worth packing it.

Some of our go to gear for the trip is listed below. We got most of our stuff from Magic Beans, if you live in Boston (or CT they just opened a store there) you have to go there! We have had the most amazing experience there every time we go in.

The Ergo 360 carrier is amazing because it packs down super small and your babe can face outward and inward. This one is the breathable fabric, we opted for the less practical but cute orange polka dot! ;)

I LOVE our Nuna travel crib, it is smaller than your average and is super portable! 

I am obsessed with Little Unicorn's line of muslin blankets and bibs! They are super soft and are awesome to have in your bag to use for anything from a blanket, shielding from the rain, a nursing cover or to cover your child when they have pooped through both of the outfits you brought for them until you can get them to a clothing store to buy something new (#momfail). PS I don't own this pattern yet but you can bet your bottom dollar I will as soon as I publish this ;) 

This diaper bag is AH-mazing! Seriously it's the little things that make a big difference! The changing pad unzips from the front so you can roll it out, lay the baby down and have all your changing stuff accessible, perfect for small European public restrooms! 

What is your go to gear for traveling with a baby? It can really be all about those essential items to help get past the little challenges!

Friday, July 8, 2016

Essentials of Essential Oils

My introduction with EO came from my sweet friend, Sara. She had been using them in her home and noticed a positive change for her and her husband. I was excited about trying them, but got a little sidetracked by a an adorable little babe ;)

Once things settled down for us and we were slightly less sleep deprived, I started doing my research on the benefits of EO, and more specifically safety considerations for babies. The more research I did I realized there are SO many benefits for the whole family, but especially babies!

After lots of research I decided to go with Doterra, it was a personal decision and I know there are lots of other companies out there with great products as well. I started with just the basics, diffusing lavender for sleep, or their on guard formula for immune health, and since progressed to using my oils for just about everything. I started with the "Home Essentials Kit" (pictured below) I have since added a few other other oils but I feel this is the perfect place to start!

Read more about Doterra here, you can also place orders through my site there!

Here are my top 5 uses for my family & home:

1. Diffusing 6-8 drops of  lavender (2-3 for Maggie) at bedtime with my petal diffuser helps everyone sleep better at night.

2. Soaking my vegetables in cold water with 5 drops of lemon for 20-30 minutes helps to remove the wax and germs from them.

3. I made a bug bite relief roll-on using 10 drops of lavender, lemon, and peppermint that we always have on hand to ease the itch of bites.

4. Doterra's Breathe blend has aided the whole family through some nasty summer colds. I put 6-8 drops (2-3 for M) in the petal diffuser at night. For Oliver & I we use fractionated coconut oil as a carrier oil with 2 drops of Breathe to rub on our feet and cover with socks before bed.

5. I add 2 drops of Frankincense to my nightly moisturizer to help with sun spots and the remnants of melasma post pregnancy.

If you're interested in essential oils or Doterra specifically please feel free to email me- I would be excited to help you start your journey! 

**I would be happy to do a more detail post about the specifics of oils, if that is something you'd be interested in please let me know!

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Weekend Recap

Happy Wednesday! I hope you all enjoyed a relaxing weekend and ready for a short week ahead!

We took full advantage of the beautiful weather and spent as much time outside as possible. Saturday we got up early and headed to Tougas Family Farm for some berry picking, tractor rides, animal viewing and little Miss M's first time on the swings!

We had a total blast! I had the best intentions of making a blueberry pie when I got home, but family nap time followed by the pool won me over in the end.

See all those apple trees? I will be back for those babies come the most wonderful season of all..FALL!

Sunday we had a relaxing morning followed by the wedding of one of my oldest friends and Clovis' favorite dog sitter. On our way there Oliver asked me if I remembered how I felt the day of our wedding. We then spent the next few minutes reminiscing about the details we remembered most vividly - our vows, the emotions, and of course the cake ;) I questioned him as to why he asked, to which he explained that on the way to every wedding he thinks about how happy, hopeful, & excited he was on our wedding day and how that very moment the couple must be feeling the exact same way. If you know Oliver you know he is not the most traditionally romantic person, I mean he refuses to celebrate Valentine's day for goodness sake, but he is without a doubt the most kind, loving, thoughtful and present person I know.

The wedding was stunning, as was the bride! Being someone who has been to a fair few weddings myself I can say the best ones are where it represents the couple. This wedding was so true to who they are and it couldn't have been more perfect!

If you saw my Instagram post my Rent the Runway dress was a total fail, so I ended up wearing an old bridesmaid dress from my brother's wedding. I plan on giving RTR another shot and will do a full review on the blog soon!

Monday was a day filled with errands, laundry, meal prep, and my all time favorite family snuggles!

What were your weekend highlights?

Monday, July 4, 2016

Happy Fourth of July!

Wishing you all a happy and safe holiday with your family & friends! 

We have had a busy weekend of cookouts, pool time, weddings & celebrations :)

PS. How gorgeous is this city?! (insert all the heart eye emojis!) 

Friday, July 1, 2016

6 Months into Motherhood

I truly can't believe it has been 6 whole months since M was born! Life has changed a lot since then, but I can honestly say having M is the best thing we've ever done! (I know it's soo cliche, but absolutely the truth)

Going back to work proved to be a bigger challenge than I realized. I was overwhelmed and felt forever guilty, it is a tough balance and a constant battle to feel like you are giving both your career and your family 100%. I have since realized that in order to do that I need to ask for help and learn to be flexible about things like having a perfectly clean house, laundry done, and clean hair (thank God for dry shampoo!). It doesn't hurt that we have the best in home chef, laundry folder, dog walker, bedtime story reader, snuggler, Dada in all the land! :)

When I first started thinking about how we would raise M there were lots of questions and choices to be made. Some of which didn't feel like so much of an "option", which leads me to the expectations of our generation - You must have a completely natural childbirth in a field, return to work 48 hours later in size 0 clothing, breastfeed exclusively for 3 years, grow and make organic food for your baby, never let your baby cry, EVER, oh and did I forget that you need
to never let a single chemical touch your child's skin?

While I can recognize that is a bit of an exaggeration it sure does feel that way sometimes! Oliver had to literally drag me away from the online forums for new moms to prevent a full scale meltdown. Since then I have learned to trust my instincts, cut myself some slack, and surround myself with supportive and loving Mamas who pass zero judgment on my parenting choices.

So here's to all the Moms out there doing the best they can, making the best choices for their family. We support you!