I have been wanting to start this blog for quite some time
now, however there was always something holding me back. Would anyone
read it? Would it be something I could maintain with a job, family and
other life demands? I had so many reservations however the desire to
start never wavered, so here I am writing my first post. I've decided
to embark on this with no expectations for what it will be- just enjoy
the ride and see where it takes me. This is something that will be a
personal challenge as I tend to have incredibly high expectations for
just about everything!
A little bit about me: I was born and raised in the burbs of Boston
with an enormous Italian family, everyone lives here, no one leaves, and
are sacred family days. I loved every minute of growing up with more
cousins than I can count on both my hands and feet. There was always
someone to play with and adventure to be had. Despite having an amazing childhood I looked to challenge myself and decided to head out of state for college. I studied to
become a nurse, and graduated in 2010, but during all that studying I still found time to meet a guy who definitely was not from Boston! After college I traveled, got married, and moved to DC.
Our first two years of marriage there were amazing! We have
recently moved back to Boston, and expanded our little family with the
cutest Barbet puppy named Clovis! :)
This blog is about all of the things I love about life; family,
entertaining, fashion, decorating, and love...oh and of course my
favorite beverage of all time, Bubbly!
I hope you enjoy reading about all of our adventures!
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