Sunday, December 28, 2014

Holiday Hiatus

I would first like to start by saying I am so sorry for the little holiday hiatus I took. We had the best Christmas, it was so lovely to be home and be with family and friends! I don't think I realized how different the last few years away from home were until we were back.

I worked the beginning of the week which meant I was off for Christmas Eve & Christmas Day! Christmas Eve was spent wrapping up the last few gifts we hadn't finished yet and baking some Gingerbread men for my Aunt & Uncle's house. I used the recipe from my gingerbread cupcakes but chose to do just the men this time around, they were a huge hit!

My Aunt and Uncle have hosted Christmas Eve for as long as I can remember and it is one of my favorite parts of the holiday! We head over for dinner on the earlier side, followed by exchanging gifts. My Aunt always thinks of the most thoughtful gifts, this year she made Oliver a Baltimore Ravens blanket (his favorite football team) and got him a book on curing and smoking meats (he thinks he is going to have a smokehouse someday), he was elated!

After gifts we tidy up, put out appetizers and desserts and start some FFF (forced family fun) the best part about it is there is nothing forced about it, everyone looks forward to it in fact! Our family friends come over for this part of the night and we play games late into the night.

Christmas morning we headed over to my brother & sister in laws house for breakfast in our PJ's. They started hosting last year however we were in DC so this was our first year attending. We do a gift exchange with my family every year, picking names on Thanksgiving Day. I find it my personal mission to figure who has who every year, this year was at 80%- not too shabby! My Mom had me this year she got me a few calligraphy supplies suggested from the class we took together which was awesome as well as a few sparkly things as well :)

Oliver and I stick to just stockings every year, this year he did a wonderful job! Clo got his Mum a pair of earrings- such a thoughtful pup! :)

Overall we had a wonderful Holiday spent with family & friends! We now both have pretty nasty colds, so we have spent the last few days recovering and snuggling with Clo!

What are some of your favorite Holiday traditions? 

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