Sunday, March 1, 2015

Happy Sunday

I first want to start by apologizing for my break lately. To be honest I am not even sure how it happened. It was "I am taking just today off" then it quickly escalated to almost two weeks!

It has been a much bigger adjustment than I could have imagined transitioning to a Monday- Friday job.  I finally understand how people feel when they only have two days at the weekend to get everything done- it can be really difficult. We are currently working on finding the balance between enjoying our weekends and still getting things done to prepare for the next week.

With all of that being said I LOVE my new job! I am learning a lot of definitely being challenged in really different ways. I value the time I get to spend with my patients and seeing them when they are well instead of only in the ICU. Overall I couldn't be happier in taking on this new role! 

I really hope to work towards making a routine of my blogging to keep it going. It is a great outlet for me and I love hearing from all of you! 

Make sure to check out the blog's Instagram account @passthebublyblog I usually try to get some #OOTD posts up there a few times a week!

Thank you all for bearing with me through this transition. I promise lots of good content to come! 


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