Friday, June 26, 2015

First Trimester Recap

I swear I will try NOT to turn this into a mommy blog! I swear I will try NOT to turn this into a mommy blog! I swear I will try NOT turn this into a mommy blog! 

That was to convince you as much as it was to remind myself! I do want to share this journey with you all but I promise to maintain all of the style, home decor, and entertaining posts that the blog was founded on!

In the mean time here are some updates about my first trimester now that I am smooth sailing into the second!

The ultrasound on the left is from our 9 week scan, the one on the right is at 12w. It was amazing to see how much had changed in such a short period of time. That little hand, seriously?! The cutest! :)

Symptoms: Tired beyond belief, the kind of tired where it hurts to think about getting out of bed in the morning. I was so fortunate to not get morning sickness, not even once! (I know every woman wants to slap me for admitting to this....) My Mother and Grandmother never did either so it must be in the family? Just a side note my Grandmother had twelve children so I don't exactly consider her the "typical" woman but she coasted through all ten pregnancies (she had twins, TWICE!) 

Cravings: I ate my normal foods throughout the first trimester, other than the restricted ones. I still wanted coffee, I know many women who were totally averse while pregnant, but I was not one of those. I did however switch to half caff, cut out all soda and minimized chocolate so I could safely enjoy my one cup a day. I will say with the warmer weather and my DC visit I really wanted a cold glass of Rose'... However, that will have to wait till December (although not exactly Rose' season!) 

Sleep: I think this goes without saying but I slept ALL the time given how tired I was, and with the lack of my afternoon cup of Java! I napped when I got home from work, then showered and went to bed by 9pm every.single.night. I did however wake up nightly from week 7 onward to pee, what a pain in the A$$ that was, and will likely continue to be. 

Best moment: Seeing our little one on the ultrasound screen and hearing her little heartbeat! 

Worst moment: I can't think of anything... except maybe having to keep it a secret?- Not my forte - ask anyone who knows me!
Starting to show?: Just looking bloated. To the point where people will stare but never say anything, talk about uncomfortable! The picture below is at 12w 3 days, I was off to a bridal shower and was hoping no one would notice, luckily they didn't! Don't mind the dog crate in the background, if I wasn't so tired all the time I'd probably have moved it ;)

Gender prediction: According to the Chinese gender chart and Ramzi's we were having a little boy. I then was convinced it was a boy.  Clearly from my previous post you now know we are having a baby GIRL according to our genetics testing.

Speaking of nursery planning, do I have ideas! I will make sure to share that with you all after I have posted about a few parties with fun cocktails (for the guests of course) and my summer style inspiration and anything non- mommy related! 


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