Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Weekend Recap

Happy Wednesday! I hope you all enjoyed a relaxing weekend and ready for a short week ahead!

We took full advantage of the beautiful weather and spent as much time outside as possible. Saturday we got up early and headed to Tougas Family Farm for some berry picking, tractor rides, animal viewing and little Miss M's first time on the swings!

We had a total blast! I had the best intentions of making a blueberry pie when I got home, but family nap time followed by the pool won me over in the end.

See all those apple trees? I will be back for those babies come the most wonderful season of all..FALL!

Sunday we had a relaxing morning followed by the wedding of one of my oldest friends and Clovis' favorite dog sitter. On our way there Oliver asked me if I remembered how I felt the day of our wedding. We then spent the next few minutes reminiscing about the details we remembered most vividly - our vows, the emotions, and of course the cake ;) I questioned him as to why he asked, to which he explained that on the way to every wedding he thinks about how happy, hopeful, & excited he was on our wedding day and how that very moment the couple must be feeling the exact same way. If you know Oliver you know he is not the most traditionally romantic person, I mean he refuses to celebrate Valentine's day for goodness sake, but he is without a doubt the most kind, loving, thoughtful and present person I know.

The wedding was stunning, as was the bride! Being someone who has been to a fair few weddings myself I can say the best ones are where it represents the couple. This wedding was so true to who they are and it couldn't have been more perfect!

If you saw my Instagram post my Rent the Runway dress was a total fail, so I ended up wearing an old bridesmaid dress from my brother's wedding. I plan on giving RTR another shot and will do a full review on the blog soon!

Monday was a day filled with errands, laundry, meal prep, and my all time favorite family snuggles!

What were your weekend highlights?

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