Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Second Trimester Recap!

Symptoms: Holy migraines! They lasted from 13 weeks until 21 weeks, it was brutal! I think the worst part is that you can't really take anything. Oliver was so sweet and made sure I drank plenty of water, got lots of rest and definitely picked up all of the extra stuff around the house for me! One morning I woke up and they were just gone, it was the best day! I have since moved on to the heartburn stage, if the old wive's tales are true our little girl is going to have a full head of hair!

Cravings: I know this is pretty much the same as the first trimester, but I still ate my normal foods. Nothing I craved or had to have. I was pretty conscientious of what I ate because I had a really big fear of gestational diabetes but fortunately I my test was negative! :)  

Sleep:  I have noticed I was less tired, but on the flip side sleeping was more difficult given my size! I love my maternity pillow, but then again so does Clovis- I am confident he thinks we bought it for him! :) 

Best moment: Seeing the look on Oliver's face the first time he felt her move. It was honestly the sweetest moment! Also every single time he talks to her my heart melts! 

Worst moment: I can't think of a single thing to put here. Honestly this pregnancy is not really what  I expected, I feel pretty good and don't have much to complain about, especially because in just 8 short weeks I will be holding our baby!!! (holy cow that is reallyyy soon!!)

Starting to show?: This bump is out of control! I have had several people ask me if I am sure there is just one baby in there! I think it is a product of being SO short- there really isn't any place for it to go but out.

Gender prediction: We are having a girl, read all about it here on our three year anniversary post! We also have a name picked out! For a little hint her monogram will be mRc (she may already have a few things) 

I am almost done with the nursery, it has been a slow process but I really wanted to find things I loved. This past weekend our rocker arrived along with some of the wall art. I am waiting on a few custom pieces I ordered, and then we are set!

We also have our baby shower coming up this weekend! I can't wait to see how it all comes together as I have been left completely in the dark on everything!- Maybe that is the worst moment so far ;)


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